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Design for the Eco Lifestyle Experience


Ecotourism connects tourists closely into nature, culture and locals and returns to the society in a sustainable way, we are good at this.


Joanna Yuan Zhang (张媛), CEO

Who We Are

ERTC is an international expert network of planning and design force specialized in sustainable tourism development.   Our experts consist of multidisciplinary professionals from strategic consultants to landuse planner, urban planner, landscape planner and architects and environment consultants with over decades experice ecotourism destination development that ensure the success of our projects.

ERTC 是专注在旅游可持续开发领域的一个国际化规划设计专家网络。我们拥有一支由战略策划、土地利用、城市规划、景观和建筑以及环境咨询相关专业构成的多学科团队。数十年的专业实践经验保证了项目的成功实施。

ERTC associates international and local rewarded and pioneer designers to make a  joint efforts for the great achievement of our clients, which, also makes us grow.


We are member of 


Ecotourism Australia 



The International Ecotourism Society


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The insights of ERTC's work team accumulated in development of tourism destination and leisure resort areas in decades of years are reflected in the design concept of different projects, which form the core values of ERTC brand. ERTC is cosisted of our oppinions of critical factors  to a sustainable tourism destination.

E = Experience
R = Recreation
T = Theme creation
C = Cross-boundary-solution

Nowadays, it's an obvious trend that human can explore infinite life experience within limited lifetime. Tourism is not only vacation, but also a kind of lifestyle. A successful tourist destination or scenic spot needs unique cultural landscape resources, and also requires recreation content which creates experience feeling, so as to improve the core attraction of the project.


Clear theme creation is the key to ensure that the consumers get satisfactory experience. All such presentation requires a professional design team that possesses cross-boundary-solution to comprehensively analyze and solve problems in a holistic perspective. And, we are the one.

ERTC 的专家团队十多年来在旅游目的地和休度假村等休闲业态的开发过程中积累了宝贵的经验和洞见,并将这些理念根植于我们的项目中,形成了ERTC的品牌价值观。ERTC的各首字母表达了我们对旅游目的地可持续发展的核心认识: 

E = Experience (体验)
R = Recreation(休闲活动)
T = Theme creation(主题创意)
C = Cross-boundary-solution(跨学科融合)

如今,人们能够在有限的生命中探寻生命的无尽意义, 并且渐成一种风潮。旅游不仅仅是度假休息,它是一种生活方式。 一个成功的旅游目的地或景区不仅需要有独特的文化和景观资源,同时还要为游客提供丰富体验的活动内容,从而提升旅游区的核心吸引力。




Our Team


Ecotourism is nowadays a strong trend around the globe that offers a different learning experice to tourists while benefiting poors and locals, as a friendly way to our eco environment.


We are part of this wide expert network. Our job fortunatedly connects a diverse industry environment, brodern our perspectives about the world by serving our clients. 


Join Us as a Member of Ecotourism Network





  • 职责

  1. 指导团队参加项目前期开发和策划方案制定;

  2. 负责指定项目的全程咨询规划服务;

  3. 参加项目汇报,顺利完成递交;

  • 要求

  1. 重点大学本科以上学历,旅游规划或城市规划设计或相关专业; 

  2. 具有较强的方案构思及专业技能,能够作为骨干完成旅游项目的方案规划; 

  3. 具有十年以上旅游规划或城市规划设计经验,熟悉国内规划相关规范; 

  4. 具有良好的沟通能力,以及项目团队管理经验; 

  5. 有境外学习、工作,或外资工作背景者优先考虑。





  • 职责

  1. 负责广告策划文案和包装,协助总经理提供活动策划方案;

  2. 负责区域的市场策划方案,并指导实施;

  3. 撰写纸媒的文字宣传;

  4. 行业数据调查收集分析,形成定期报告;

  5. 配合各部门的宣传文案的撰写。

  • 要求

  1. 热爱旅游事业, 旅游管理、新闻传播学、广告学等专业专科以上学历;

  2. 两年以上旅游规划或广告公司广告策划和创意工作经验;

  3. 具有敏锐的市场洞察力、沟通能力和协调能力;

  4. 能够针对特定的市场状况迅速采取切实有力市场行动,能适应团队作战;

  5. 具有良好的口头及书面表达能力,具有丰富的年度策略案及活动案的撰写经验,富有创造力和想象力;

  6. 有很强的执行力,能适应较强的工作压力;

Students on a Break


We have year round internship recruitment program especially for graduates. As part of a dynamic team, you’ll apply your skill set in a supportive and collaborative environment while contributing to projects that make measurable, real-world impact during your work experience.

我们尤其对毕业生常年开放实习生机会。 在团队里,你将与我们一道参与项目实施,在彼此的协同合作中,你将体会到专业技能如何应用在实际项目中,并产生影响的。

Interested Applicants please wirte to us with your introduction letter and your design works to


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Beijing Municipal Computer Information Network

International Networking Unit Record    JING ICP BEI No. 10085647

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